A Morning Solstice with Sandra Semchuk.
A Gift from Chin-Shek Lam & Sandra Semchuk
Artwork by Chin-Shek Lam
As Sandra Semchuk takes us on a beautiful journey.
As She invites us on stretching our imagination and gratitude.
We offer our thanks to the Sun; we welcome the Summertime into the Northern Hemisphere.
She introduces us to An Inquiry, A Cycle of Five, as taught by her teacher Chin-Shek Lam.
She takes us into this query rooted in the ancient art of Chinese calligraphy, most likely from the Sung Dinasty (960-1280 AD), to which Chin-Shek Lam added Western art techniques and approaches after his meeting with Picasso, Miro, and many other western artists.
We open our heart to the sound of her voice, to her meditative kind of teaching; to the images and words showing on her screen.
Practicing the Inquiry
Scanning the horizon
Witness the essence of the lavender, tones of purple.
Create a deep connections using more than one sense, She suggested,
as a Friend hold the jar,
hold the water, the water in the jar,
the plant floating in the air.
She calls in our capacity to relate, to honour the teachers in our lives.
She embraces the energy of the reading unveiled by her Teacher: the articulation in movement born from the calligraphy’s consciousness; the study of the nature of change.
She transmutes the state of inquiring into the art of being in the moment,
-into the art of dancing, dreaming, singing, painting, writing
Into the artistry of opening to the goodness across species
Into the ritual of being more human, of seeing ourselves as part of everything else.
Moving into
Life affirming, and life diminished, and back
life giving, and life taking away - magical invocation left in the chat.
She holds the space for the appearance of the living trace of the plant on the paintings,
weaving, memories and ancestry of the Woman Looking at the South Pacific Sea,
Appreciation of the light riding the waves,
residue of a true, much deeper being, calligrapher in a small town on the other side of that same Sea.
Allowing the birth of the essence of the flower to be revealed on her painting.
Settling -Coming Home
Like us the brush is alive.
As alive are the traces left by the brush, and the hydrangeas in blossom.
As alive is the fly of the bird,
and the nature’s energy created by the artist, and later witnessed by the Medicine Woman .
Having acquired a landscape or a world,
one returns to Scanning.
InHarmony InNature
A Solstice Morning
Vancouver, June 20, 2020