At this time, in which we have been called to go inwards, we trust we can connect with the Hastings/Sunrise through different online platforms. Stay tune!
In our blog we will be posting a series of videos and photos on some of the plants we can find or plant in our gardens within the Spring Season.
In our first video we are presenting Nodding Onion. A medicinal and edible plant, native to North America.
Nodding Onion is easy to grow and it will spread gradually. It is easier to establish plants by transplanting the bulbs of offsets, rather than by attempting to germinate the seeds. The preference is full to partial sun, moist to mesic conditions, and soil containing black loam, sand, or rocky material.
We can eat its bulb, leaves and flowers. Bulb - raw or cooked, it is mainly used as a flavouring. Leaves - raw or cooked. A delicious, strong-onion flavour, they are very nice in salads. The leaves are available from spring until the autumn. Flowers - raw or cooked. A delicious strong onion flavour, somewhat stronger than the leaves especially if the seeds are starting to set. They make a very decorative and tasty addition to the salad bowl.
The juice of the plant is used as a moth repellent, and it also can be applied to exposed skin in order to repel biting insects.
Enjoy the video!